Azaz had called and given me 'fair warning' as he put I was busy trying to get ready. He had said to be prepared to be gone for a bit and I have learned that when he says a bit?  Could be a 'bit' or a bit more than a bit. One never knows with my 'PRECIOUS Pakistani.'

He had gotten up, had his breakfast after a thoroughly insidious kissy and shower fest that had at times reached coronation proportions (my fave) and then had scampered off on his motorcycle.

I was used to this so nothing seemed out of the way let alone mysterious about any of it. 

I was kissed and all was right with the world...FOR AWHILE.

Ok, so it was about an hour after his now yes mysterious phone call...and for once he was pretty much on time, and ON  one of the most tricked-out hottest 'bikes' I had ever seen. Not like the one he had had. This sucker was HOT. Even had a matching trailer.

"Yeh. You like?" he said with even more obvious his Pakistani accent which I love and he delights in accentuating cause it always makes me giggle.

"So, what's up," I asked.

"You'll see," was his oh-so-familiar answer. 

I should have known.

See, Azaz has a bit of the...uh, well...IMP in him and let's just say he also has the Pakistan version of the old wild west cowboy in him too, tinged with a little explorer, NASCAR driver, and a few other things I am still trying to figure out. LOL.

Always up for a good time, but even more so for an adventure. I suppose that is one of the reasons I love the HELL out of him...and I do. But usually I have an inkling. He will let something slip that we got something coming. But no not this time. Made me suspicious. HAHAHA.

I stood admiring the obviously brand new MACHINE in front of me. It gleamed in all its white majesty.

"You like it baby?" Azaz asked as he per usual slipped in behind me, wrapping himself around me and dropping his chin down onto my right shoulder so his left cheek could graze my right one.

"Yeh, of course. What's not to like?"
I turned my head just slightly so I could see his face, and he beamed. It was obvious my liking the motorcycle was important to him, but nothing unusual about that. Not usually, but this time there was, I don't know, just something. Something more.

"You packed baby?"
"Yeh, and for what I don't know."
"Part of the fun, honeybear."

I looked at him. But when he gets like this it is useless to probe. He will tell me when he gets Goddamn good and ready. So, I moved out of his mad clutches, hee hee, and toward the house and into the foyer where my bags sat. He followed and once inside grabbed the one suitcase, one garment bag, and one toilet bag and turning...headed back outside. I had already said goodbye to my/our housekeeper and so...outside I went, following him to whatever fate I was now consigned to.


He made short work of stowing the luggage in the trailer and after helping me into the back seat got ensconced in the drivers seat. 

"PRETTY POSH, mon capitan," I leaned forward and whispered in his ear JUST AS he started it up and what a roar. Good God. Good thing I had my helmet on with the sound reducers.

He nodded in the affirmative as he moved the bike in to gear and kicked it. OH MY GOD! Hello? Bear insurance?  UHhhhhhhh...


You, me on back hanging onto you as if you were a 

parachute and we were high in flight...the wind is at 

our back, the sun is is good

to be continued....

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